
Saturday, November 21, 2020

Updates on Chemistry Lab

 I stopped working on the chemistry lab game for a couple years. Now I'm back working on it, and I've made a few updates.

  • I revamped the snapping system, so it's easier to add new snappable objects to the game.
    • There is now a class called snappable that all objects that have snapping behaviour will inherit from.
  • Fluid now flows through the pipes correctly, so there is no fluid filling up two connecting tanks when there wasn't enough fluid produced in the first place.
  • I updated the fluid system as well, so it is more object-oriented instead of having one big function in the world-class.
  • All the classes have been rewritten, so they use the ES6 way of declaring classes. In my opinion, this is a cleaner syntax, and something I'm more familiar with as I used to code in languages like Java, C++, and Scala.
More updates to come.